August Holdings & Almost 6 Months Live

In typical fashion, our holdings for the month of August are detailed below. We currently maintain a 90bps lead over the S&P with less than a tenth of the risk. Despite our low-beta holdings, we still shared in the upside of trade negotiations coming to fruition. We rotated slightly out of smaller-cap stocks into mid- and large-cap in preparation for trade resolutions. Additionally, we maintained a focus on tech stocks and oil miners within a diversified portfolio encompassing every sector.

At the end of August, our portfolio will have been traded live for a full six months. The chart below highlights our returns, the S&P’s returns, and the alpha generated on a cumulative basis. We earned a total of 20.33% return over the past six months, compared to the S&P’s 5.05%, with an alpha value of 13.8%. This demonstrates consistent, market beating returns. We still have yet to experience a down month, despite the S&P having two.